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September 30, 2013 Written by NetSphere Category: eCommerce
Marketing with IBM’s Smarter Commerce EMM solutions At the IBM Smarter Commerce workshop, held on Sept. 18-19 in Chicago, presenters showcased the enterprise marketing management (EMM) solutions developed by IBM to drive relationship marketing within the eCommerce arena. The topic was kicked-off with explanations as to how the tools within the platform address the needs of specific users.   For marketing leaders and planners: Maximizing ROI is one of the No. 1 goals of CMOs and marketing managers. Modeling and assessing the mix of marketing efforts is covered within...

August 05, 2013 Written by NetSphere Category: Uncategorized
Calculating the ever-elusive ROI on social media For those in the business of eavesdropping, it’s not rare to overhear a pair of executives at a lunch counter talking about the ROI of social media. One will ask the other how to quantify its value and whether it’s worthy of all the hype.   If it’s the right set of businessmen, the answer to that question will be a resounding, “Yes! It’s worth the hype and more.” If it’s the wrong set of businessmen, the remainder of their lunch...

When consumers hit that thumbs-up button, what do they get out of it? There’s the social aspect of it, of course, but then there’s also the exposure to new products, deals and news. Concerning the executives issuing the social media funds, however? What do they get out of a like? Beyond a growing collection of fans, sometimes the answer isn’t as clear-cut.

In the video above, those questions were posed to a handful of social media professionals from the likes of Edelman Digital, Cisco and the Altimeter Group. Unsurprisingly, the frustrations of the ever-elusive ROI made their way into the conversation.

Having the ability to track the overall customer experience is something that even the biggest brands have struggled with. When all of those consumers hit the thumbs up, there’s some level of proof that a social media campaign is gaining ground. However, at a certain point, executives need more – an incredibly palpable challenge for the person who has to defend social spending to a company’s CFO.

Thanks to software giant Adobe and its social media management platform, determining a return on investment is possible. Adobe Social combines listening and engagement tools to create a social measuring stick.

“With Adobe Social, marketers can monitor mentions for their brand on Facebook and Twitter, find out which customers are the key influencers on each of these networks and track how much revenue is being generated from specific social media campaigns and posts,” explained the editors of a recent article. “The platform also makes it easier to target ads to certain audiences, personalize a website based on how the user interacts with it and even build apps for Facebook, effectively making it an all-in-one marketing tool for companies.”

At NetSphere Strategies, we tout the value of the Adobe platform because it helps us link up your social media initiatives to tie them back to an ROI. Not only will it give you peace of mind, but it also serves as a way for us to validate that our work effort is producing business value for your company.

August 23, 2012 Written by NetSphere Category: eCommerce
Measuring the success of your e-commerce company Life is a juggling act; it seems as though we always have a few balls up in the air. And considering what's on the line, we want to ensure that the right balls are in motion. If even just one of those balls starts to lose momentum, it can cause all of the others to crash to the floor. So how can you tell if your e-commerce company is going to stay in the air or fall flat? gives us...