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July 27, 2012 Written by NetSphere Category: Social Media
Why CEOs should stop preaching and start tweeting These days, a lot of the chatter surrounding the power of social media might be better considered as preaching to the choir. Because let’s face it; unless a company resides under a rock, they’re using it. But what about the CEOs or presidents of all of those businesses engaged in social media? Where is their presence in the social media sphere? That presence – or lack there of – was the topic du jour in a recent article published by Forbes...

June 21, 2012 Written by NetSphere Category: Social Media
Four ways to take a bite out of mobile marketing Just as more and more businesses understand how to harness the tools of conventional social media platforms, like Facebook and Twitter, new forms of marketing are making their way onto the scene. Enter Jeff Hasen, author of a new book titled, “Mobilized Marketing.” The book, which recently caught the attention of the editors at Entrepreneur, includes insight from some of marketing’s utmost gurus, which Hasen was fortunate to have access to. According to Entrepreneur, “Hasen details the strategies and tactics that...